• professional experience 工作經驗    相關企業商業資訊
    1. 大夏設計工程有限公司

      ...具規模,於充滿挑戰的國內市場中獨創新象。Since 1996, the professional design and high quality construction is the service principle of the ID.INTEGRATION Associates. To achieve the best design and construction quality, a systematic working process are used in each project. The reput...

      電話:02-23451882    地址:台北市信義區基隆路一段380巷5號1樓
    2. 邁思會展有限公司

      ...MICE - The Leading DMC in TaiwanTW MICE’s competitive edge is our focus, professionalism, local knowledge, language advantage and experience. We have always sought to promote and enrich Taiwan as MICE destination and provided access to perfect event experience in Taiwan.The founder and employees o...

      電話:02-27902060    地址:台北市內湖區民權東路六段180巷6號4樓
    3. 惠眾企管顧問股份有限公司

      ...old: First, our recruiting process utilizes a wide variety of personal and professional resources. Next, our consultants possess more than two decades of hands-on experience in high-tech industries, as well as themselves having had experience in high-level executive positions in high-tech companies....

      電話:02-27133337    地址:台北市松山區敦化北路207號10樓之1C
    4. 台懋技研股份有限公司

      ...h this acquisition and over one decade fields experiences, we posited as a professional bridge in between the applications and the resources

      電話:02-27011488    地址:台北市大安區新生南路一段161巷6號
    5. 惡魔蛋糕咖啡有限公司

      ...earn the knowledge and experience of coffee in our company, not just learn professional knowledge from textbooks or school, we will teach you how to really cook coffee, well-grounded practical and step by step until you can work independently, Whether you are looking for an impassioned job or simply...

      電話:02-87736063    地址:台北市信義區敦化南路一段252巷

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